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бонвиван, , 2010-09-21 06:01:26

Бипокот, , 2010-09-21 07:48:43 ничо нипонял, реквестирую красные зобыл што.

Откорней Докончиков, , 2010-09-21 08:53:34 // sometimes I believe compiler ignores all my comments

Catch (Exception e) {
//who cares?

// I don't know why I need this, but it stops the people being upside-down
x = -x;

/* Be a real daemon: fork myself and kill my parent */

raise InvalidChild() # e.g. no legs

храч, , 2010-09-21 08:59:31 и так бывает с каждым, кто сгибается под энтерпрайз, не отойдя от студенческой скамьи на расстояние пушечного высрела. грустьпичаль и безысходность. пиши пропало или код. продажные человекочасы. throw up.

ДЖЖД, , 2010-09-21 11:40:08 !!!ДАЕЩЬ КОПИ-ПАСТУ БЕСПЛАТНО ОНЛАЙН!!!

// Replaces with spaces the braces in cases where braces in places cause stasis
$str = str_replace(array("\{","\}")," ",$str);

// I'm sorry.

long john; // silver

#define TRUE FALSE //Happy debugging suckers

const int TEN=10; // As if the value of 10 will fluctuate...

long long ago; /* in a galaxy far far away */

double penetration; // ouch

/////////////////////////////////////// this is a well commented line

#Christmas tree initializer
toConnect = []
toRead = [ ]
toWrite = [ ]
primes = [ ]
responses = {}
remaining = {}

Сверстайко Сайтег, , 2010-09-21 11:53:58 /**
* This method leverages collective synergy to drive "outside of the box"
* thinking and formulate key objectives into a win-win game plan with a
* quality-driven approach that focuses on empowering key players to drive-up
* their core competencies and increase expectations with an all-around
* initiative to drive down the bottom-line. I really wanted to work the word
* "mandrolic" in there, but that word always makes me want to punch myself in
* the face.

Ч. Бурек, , 2010-09-21 12:49:03 Аццкий копипиздинг, оригинал тута: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18.. ..source-code-you-have-ever-encountered

друмир, , 2010-09-21 12:53:52 zip your mother, rar your dog

valen, , 2010-09-21 13:23:56 башорк

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